What Not To Say In Your Job Interview

Most of us have experienced our fair share of job interviews in the past, yet for many, this doesn’t stop them from committing interview suicide when invited in to discuss that dream job.

Sure, we get it that you’re often nervous at the prospect of being interrogated within an inch of your life, and yep, sometimes our mouths come out with things our head hadn’t planned them to.

But how you conduct yourself in a job interview says a lot about how you’ll fare in the role.

Respond to questions well, and you’re on to a winner. Let your words run away with you and you’re on the bus home.

So, what’s not OK to mention in that big interview? Notepads at the ready!

"Sorry I'm late."

It goes without saying that punctuality is key. Your interviewer doesn't want you to arrive for work 20 minutes late every morning and arriving late for an interview doesn’t exactly instil them with confidence in your timekeeping skills.

"What's your annual leave and sickness policy?"

It doesn't look good if, before you've even been hired, you're planning your absence from the company. Sure, if you have a holiday planned, you’ll want to make your employer aware, but wait until the position is yours before you start planning time away from it!

"I'll just take this call."

Sounds obvious, although money candidates still think it’s OK to take a call during an interview. Many have been known to answer the call just to let the caller know they’ll call back. That’s what your voicemail is for. Let it do its job whilst you attempt to bag yours!

Gunning for The Top spot.

When asked, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" steer away from the old "Doing your job." As much as this might be a genuine answer, try to instead build a response around the experience you’d like to have gained and the level of responsibility you’d like to have, rather than threatening the interviewer's job.

"My previous employer was a complete…."

No matter how mind-numbingly boring those roles might have been, speaking badly of a previous employer is not only unprofessional, but also reflects on your character. Your new employer will contact your former employer for references following an interview, so it's never wise to burn your bridges.

“What do you do?”

Believe it or not, many candidates rock up to interview having not researched the company’s background or even what they do! Failing to research your prospective employer fully is a big faux pas. Saying you've looked at their website is only marginally better – employers expect far more than a quick peek at their home page. Know your stuff! Its glaringly obvious which candidates have done their homework and which are winging it.

Watch The language

Swearing during an interview can happen, especially if your interviewer is themselves prolific with the profanities, or if you have a sudden slip of the tongue (we get it, it shows you’re comfortable!) but don't let your lingo set the standard of the interview – keep it professional and clean!

Ditch The Jargon

Don’t automatically assume that your interviewer understands the jargon used in your previous company. Raving about how effectively you handled the FFT’s via the ACT CMS will not only confuse your interviewer but fail to make your point. (PDQ. JDDI.)

Can the Criticism

There’ll usually be one thing that doesn’t quite float your boat (except in our team – we’re yet to find what that is!) Any criticism of staff uniform, office décor, lunch menu will go down like a lead balloon. They may even think the same as you, but nobody says so, so don’t you!

Don’t Just Praise The Perks

When asked, "What do you expect to enjoy most about this role?" never reply with any of the following: the perks, the pay, lunchtimes, my co-workers or the holidays. Attempt something a tad more original along the lines of your role, progression, the company’s growth… you get the idea.

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